City of Hampton
Notice of Intent to Submit a Grant Application to the Florida Department of
Economic Opportunity for a Hurricane Damage Mitigation Project
that will include Flood and Drainage Improvements
First Published on August 20,2021
(The City of Hampton website address is
The City of Hampton plans to apply to the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) for an infrastructure grant to be funded by the Community Development Block Grant – Mitigation program (CDBG-MIT). The application will be submitted no later than September 17, 2021, which is the grant application deadline.
Grant funds will be used to construct a variety of stormwater drainage improvements throughout the City to include drainage ditch reshaping, installation of large diameter concrete stormwater drainage pipes, drainage retention ponds, culvert replacement and complementary pavement repair and repaving. The purpose of these improvements is to alleviate existing flooding and to prevent flooding from future hurricanes and storm events. Based on a drainage study prepared by the US Army Corps of engineers, and input from the City’s consulting engineer, the proposed project will include the following features:
- Installation of a 36” triple-barreled culvert beneath the CSX Railroad, co-located with the existing culvert to include construction of concrete headwalls, wingwalls, and an apron on both sides of the culvert;
- Creation of a 340-foot long channel through a high area in the wetlands downstream of the new CSX culvert. The channel will have a 35-foot wide bottom width and 1V on 3H side slopes, approximately 1.9 feet below existing grade. The channel is intended to naturally revegetate to restore back into a wetland.
Other improvements will include:
- Larger swale along CR 325 • Culverts under driveways along CR 325 • Widen/add new CSX Culvert • Additional culvert beneath CR 325 • Berm around Hampton Villas • Continue swale along CR 325 to meet the existing creek.
The project cost (and the amount of funds that will be applied for) is $2,247,596. The project components include $1,948,596 for construction, $207,000 for engineering, $10,000 for right-of- way acquisition, and $82,000 for grant administration.
Additional information about the project, including requests for copies of the draft application may be obtained from Mary Lou Hildreth, City Clerk/Administrator at (352) 468-1201. Ms. Hildrethmay also be contacted by email at [email protected], or by postal service at P.O. Box 250, Hampton, Florida 32358.
Any non-English speaking person that has questions or would like to provide comments on the proposed grant application should contact Ms. Hildrethby September 6, 2021.
so that arrangements for a language interpreter can be made.
Please submit any comments or questions that you may about the project bySeptember 6, 2021.